Electronic invoicing address/party identification number: | 003735003578 |
E-invoicing operator: | APIX Messaging Oy |
Operator code: | 003723327487 |
Business ID: | 3500357-8 |
VAT number: | FI35003578 |
Alternatively, pdf-invoices via e-mail: invoices@nheagency.com
We accept invoices only in electronic format and either in Finnish or English language.
Invoice reference: (Stated in the agreement / order)
Payment terms: 14 days
Please make sure that the following info is included in the invoice:
The subject of the invoice (sale of service or goods) and VAT rate.
If you are billing for goods – VAT 0%, should state “Intra-community supply”
If you are billing for services outside EU – VAT 0%
If you are billing for services inside EU: Please check with your own accountant how VAT info should be marked in the invoice. Generally if selling services inside European union and company is liable for VAT in its own country then the invoice should state “VAT 0% reverse charge”